Wii U 10th Anniversary Retrospective

I’m back! What better way to celebrate my return than with a classic retrospective? This month marks the tenth anniversary of the Wii U’s launch, which was released on November 18, 2012 in North America. In my opinion, the Wii U is a misunderstood and poorly marketed console.

The games were good, the world just wasn’t ready for this oddball system. Instead of going through the system’s best games which would be more like a glorified list of Switch titles, I decided to dive in deep for some good and bad games that are still locked to the Wii U. My title says ten, but there are more than that to highlight here. Enjoy!

10 Classic Retro Games from February 1992, 2002, and 2012

Greetings retro fans. I’m going to do something a little different in this month’s roundup of classic games because 1992’s and 2002’s offerings don’t hold much weight to me. I didn’t invest a lot of time in them growing up but maybe they did for you. I mostly want to get to 2012 because it was a huge month for gaming. Altogether I’ll be looking at ten games, with three notable highlights. Enjoy!

13 Games From 2021 You Probably Missed

As I do every year, I looked back and found some games I missed. Good or bad, maybe you missed these games too. I divided this retrospective into three parts. Part one is based on PlayStation games, part two focuses on Nintendo Switch, and the finale looks at some late December games. Simple enough right? So, let’s dive in!

I received review codes for Anodyne 2, Blightbound, Children of Morta DLC, Xuan Yuan Sword 7, Boomerang X, Cathedral, Everhood, The Legend of Standing, Super Mombo Quest, UnMetal, Chorus, Dungeon Munchies, and The Gunk.

Game Boy Advance 20th Anniversary

This month marked the 20th anniversary of the Game Boy Advance’s launch. It was released in Japan on March 21, 2001. This was, and still is, an awesome little handheld. So, in celebration, I focused on Japanese games for the past two weeks to make this two-part video series. Don’t worry because in June, the North American anniversary, I’ll look at our stuff too.

Now then, part one is about pure Japanese releases I wish were in English. Then, in part two, I played five more Japanese games that weren’t released over here officially but were patched into English by fans. Enjoy!

Top 30 NES Games From 1991

I thought it would be fun to go back and look at thirty NES games that were released in 1991. I do admittedly cheat with this idea as some games were released earlier in Japan, but would still be celebrating thirty years in North America.

For each entry, I’ll go through dates and regions don’t you worry. I should also note that these games are ranked alphabetically. Top games might be a stretch too as some of these games aren’t the best. They are at least the best from 1991 though from the sixty or so that I played. Notes aside, here are all three parts. Enjoy!