Sword of the Necromancer Review

Sword of the Necromancer has a good concept for a roguelike, but everything about it feels lazily put together from the dungeon designs, animations, monsters, and everything in-between. You can find out more in my review. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received a PS4 review code for Sword of the Necromancer.

Top 30 NES Games From 1991

I thought it would be fun to go back and look at thirty NES games that were released in 1991. I do admittedly cheat with this idea as some games were released earlier in Japan, but would still be celebrating thirty years in North America.

For each entry, I’ll go through dates and regions don’t you worry. I should also note that these games are ranked alphabetically. Top games might be a stretch too as some of these games aren’t the best. They are at least the best from 1991 though from the sixty or so that I played. Notes aside, here are all three parts. Enjoy!