10 Classic Retro Games from February 1992, 2002, and 2012

Greetings retro fans. I’m going to do something a little different in this month’s roundup of classic games because 1992’s and 2002’s offerings don’t hold much weight to me. I didn’t invest a lot of time in them growing up but maybe they did for you. I mostly want to get to 2012 because it was a huge month for gaming. Altogether I’ll be looking at ten games, with three notable highlights. Enjoy!

Monark Review

Monark is a new strategy RPG with familiar features. It was worked on by former Persona developers before they jumped ship to create their new brand. The story follows the canonically nameless and voiceless main character as his school is engulfed in a demonic bubble. Now, students are falling prey to the Mist that is brainwashing their minds.

The main hero almost falls victim to this Mist as well before a maniacal stuffed rabbit grants him incredible power. Together he, and his fellow students that he meets along the way will have to save the school one floor at a time. Is Monark nothing more than a barebones Persona-like or does this RPG have what it takes to be among the best? Find out in my review. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received a Nintendo Switch review code for Monark.

PlayStation Vita 10th Anniversary Retrospective

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the PlayStation Vita, one of the most underrated portables, let alone consoles, of all time. It launched on February 15, 2012 in North America, which was just two months after Japan. I absolutely loved my Vita and I can thank it for introducing me to new ways of gaming. It was revolutionary and secretly, I think, why the Switch has been so successful. What do I mean? Find out in the deep dive of my memories on the console.

4 New Switch RPG Reviews: Ocean’s Heart, Labyrinth Legend, Vagante, and Skautfold

January got away from me and now we’re halfway through February and I’m behind again. So, to save time, I combined four new RPGs into one big review. These games include Ocean’s Heart, Labyrinth Legend, Vagante, and Skautfold: Shrouded in Sanity. How do they stack up? Find out in my review. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received Nintendo Switch review codes for Ocean’s Heart, Labyrinth Legend, Vagante, and Skautfold: Shrouded in Sanity.

Infernax Review

Infernax is a combination of modern, brutally difficult games like Dark Souls. More importantly, it pays homage to many NES classics such as Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. The important thing to ask about retro-style indie games like Infernax is this. Did it highlight these inspirations well or was the game half-baked? Find out in my review. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received a PS4 review code for Infernax.

Nintendo Switch Reviews: Grapple Dog, Rise of the Third Power, and Egglia Rebirth

Three Nintendo Switch codes came across my way and they are all launching on February 10. I reviewed them all individually but combined them all into one giant blog. There’s the platformer Grapple Dog, the old-school RPG Rise of the Third Power, and the remastered RPG Egglia Rebirth. Find out how they all did in this video. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received Nintendo Switch review codes for Grapple Dog, Rise of the Third Power, and Egglia Rebirth.