Top 5 Fan Patched PS1 Games

I’ve been meaning to make a sequel to my Top 5 Fan Patched PSP Games video from 2015, but things kept pushing it back. Well, the time has finally come, but with a twist. This time I will be looking at fan patches for PS1 games instead. Entries are in alphabetical order. There is no other hierarchy to this list, which is to say these are all great games. Enjoy!

Streets of Rogue Review

Contrary to the name, Streets of Rogue is not an indie homage to Streets of Rage, but is instead a roguelike. It actually has more in common with another 90s game, Shadowrun, with a few more modern elements thrown in from other open RPGs like Deus Ex. Is this combination worthy of your time? Find out in my review. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received a Nintendo Switch review code for Streets of Rogue.