Year in Review 2017: Thanks and Goodbye

It’s been an amazing year and I’m not just talking about the quality of video games. That goes without saying. I’m referring more to myself. 2017 was my sixth year as a games journalist and in the beginning I was honestly still depressed from Examiner’s closing back in July 2016. You know what they say though. Failure only makes us stronger. I continued with GameSpew for a few months only to find a gig with the newly formed TheGamer. I’ve met some tremendous people over there as well as grown as a writer. In terms of my freelance content I’m pretty sure I covered more games than ever before for review purposes.


With all that said I want to take this time to thank everyone who helped me in 2017. Thanks to everyone for reading my content here on Game Jurk along with watching my videos on ReActionExaminer. Thanks to everyone at GameSpew and TheGamer. Finally a big thank you to all the developers and publishers out there that gave me a chance to voice my opinion on their games. Again, it’s been one heck of a year and I can’t wait to get started in 2018. Below are my four final videos of the year that highlight the best of what 2017 had to offer. Happy New Year!

Accounting+ Review

Accounting+ is an expansion to the original Accounting release, which was more like a demo than anything else. How illustrious is this package and does it offer enough to fit the $12 price tag? Find out in my review. Enjoy.

Special Notes: I received a Nintendo Switch review code for Accounting+.

SteamWorld Heist Review

SteamWorld Heist originally launched for the 3DS back in 2015. Since then it has been released on nearly every console available. Does this latest port to the Switch offer enough value with all the DLC two years later, or is it a piece of space debris? Find out in my review. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received a Nintendo Switch review code for SteamWorld Heist.

Xenon Valkyrie+ Review

Xenon Valkyrie originally launched for PCs back in February. Now, as seemingly the ultimate gamble, the developers ported it to the weirdest console imaginable in 2017: the PS Vita. Does Xenon Valkyrie+ pack enough punch to give the Vita one last Hail Mary before the end of the year, or did the developers, Diabolical Mind, waste their time? My review.

Special Notes: I received a PS Vita review code for Xenon Valkyrie+.

Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary

Today marks the 30th anniversary of Final Fantasy. It debuted in Japan on December 18, 1987 for the Famicom. I celebrated five years ago with a tribute video on the entire series’ battle systems so this year I’m going to focus on spinoffs. Yes, I know. Same setup as yesterday’s Mega Man’s piece. Kind of crazy two giant franchises started days apart from each other. What can you do? Anyway here’s a brief retrospective on some of Final Fantasy’s finest spinoffs. Enjoy!

Mega Man 30th Anniversary

Today marks the 30th anniversary of Mega Man. It debuted in North America on December 12, 1987 for the NES. I celebrated five years ago with a tribute video and a few articles so instead of retreading old territory I decided to focus on spinoffs. Not all of them mind you, as that would be a daunting task. There are at least twenty mobile games exclusive to Japan, which would be hard to track down. No joke. Anyway this video retrospective will highlight the more popular spinoffs including Mega Man Legends and Mega Man X. Enjoy!




Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds Overdrive Review

Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds is a 2D beat’em up spinoff to the fighting game, Phantom Breaker. The original release was for the Xbox 360 in 2013 and it has since been ported to a variety of platforms. Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds Overdrive is yet another iteration making its debut on a Nintendo platform, the Switch, for the first time. Does this four-year game still have merit? Find out in my video review. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received a Nintendo Switch review code for Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds Overdrive.