Knights and Bikes Review

Knights and Bikes is an action adventure game that was created by Foam Sword. They are made up of former Media Molecule members. You know, the LittleBigPlanet and Dreams gang. While the charm and creativity can definitely be found within, Knights and Bikes is unfortunately a bit dull at the same time. Find out why in my review. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received a PS4 review code for Knights and Bikes.

The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan Review

The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan is the first in what is promised to be an anthology horror series for video games. This comes from Supermassive Games who previously worked on the equally ambitious, choice driven horror narrative, Until Dawn. Should we be excited for the future of this series based on this initial episode? The simple answer is yes. Find out more in my review. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received an Xbox One review code for The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan.

Control Review

Control, from Remedy Entertainment, can be best described as a Metroidvania infused with the paranormal teachings of media like The X-Files. Does it nail these themes, or does it bend under its own lofty ideals? Find out in my review. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received a PS4 review code for Control.

Chroma Squad Review

Chroma Squad is a giant homage to Power Rangers. It even says so on the title screen. This Kickstarter made tactical RPG/Sim experience first launched for PC platforms in 2015. Four years later, how does it hold up now on Switch? Find out in my review. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received a Nintendo Switch review code for Chroma Squad.