Hive Jump Review

Dost my eyes deceive me? Hive Jump is a new indie game for Wii U. Now I thought the system was dead after I finished The Legend of Zelda: Breath of Wild, but here we are. Is Hive Jump worth taking your Wii U out of storage, or should you leave it be? Find out in my video review. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received a Wii U review code for Hive Jump.


Pankapu Review

Pankapu is a Kickstarter game that originally launched for PCs in 2016. Now with the release of its second episode, Pankapu is finally coming to consoles including both episodes in one complete package. Is this beautiful platformer more than just a pretty face? Find out in my review. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received an Xbox One review code for Pankapu.

SteamWorld Dig 2 Review

SteamWorld Dig 2 is the fourth game in the SteamWorld universe and the first direct sequel. It’s been a long time since the original came out in 2013. It’s an amazing resource driven Metroidvania with little to fault. That said how does its sequel stack up? Find out in my review. Enjoy fellow diggers!

Special Notes: I received a PS4/Vita review code for SteamWorld Dig 2.

Caveman Warriors Review

Remember a time when caveman games were plentiful during the 8-Bit and 16-Bit era? Games like Joe and Mac, Chuck Rock, and Bonk are all classics. Caveman Warriors seeks to rectify this once beloved genre while implementing newer styles of gameplay too. Four-player couch co-op via New Super Mario Bros. Wii for example. It’s a great sentiment, but did this Kickstarter game pan out? Find out in my review. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received an Xbox One review code for Caveman Warriors.

Kingdom Hearts 15th Anniversary

Today marks the 15th Anniversary of Kingdom Hearts in North America. It released on September 17, 2002 for the PS2, which was about half a year past the Japanese March launch. It’s one of the most bizarre crossovers in gaming history, but it melded together well. Instead of focusing on the overall series for this anniversary, I decided to focus on a more peculiar topic for this retrospective: multiplayer. What’s the history? Will it make an appearance in Kingdom Hearts III? You’ll have to watch the video and find out. Enjoy!


Observer Review

Observer is like a horrific adventure game set in a cyberpunk world similar to Blade Runner. Rutger Hauer is even in it! You know, the main bad guy in that movie. Does this combination of genres, settings, and themes work well for the game? Find out in my review. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received a PS4 review code for Observer.