Penny-Punching Princess Review

Penny-Punching Princess is a RPG brawler, which adds a few twists to the genre. Is this journey to rebuild a young girl’s kingdom worth your time? Find out in my review. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received a Nintendo Switch review code for Penny-Punching Princess.

Star Fox 25th Anniversary

Today marks the 25th anniversary of the Star Fox franchise. The original game debuted on March 26, 1993 in North America. It’s one of Nintendo’s longest running series and yet there are not that many games in it. For that matter there’s a lot of debate regarding their quality. I’ll go through its history and more in my accompanying retrospective. Enjoy!


Star Fox Games (By NA Release)

  • Star Fox (SNES 3/26/93)
  • Star Fox 64 (N64 6/30/97)
  • Star Fox Adventures (GC 9/23/02)
  • Star Fox Assault (GC 2/14/05)
  • Star Fox Command (DS 8/28/06)
  • Star Fox Zero (WiiU 4/22/16)
  • Star Fox 2 (SNES 9/29/17)



Yakuza 6: The Song of Life Review

Yakuza 6: The Song of Life has been touted as the final chapter for series mainstay, Kazuma Kiryu. Despite that the game does an excellent job of bringing new players up to speed. How is the game itself though? Does it end Kazuma’s journey on a high note, or is the number six a clue that this series is way past its relevance? Find out in my review. Enjoy!

Radiation Island Review

Radiation Island is yet another in a long line of survival games with a small twist. It began as a mobile game back in 2015, was ported to Steam, and now, at long last, makes its console debut via the new hotness: Nintendo Switch. There are a million and one survival games on Steam, but as far as I’ve researched this is the first for Switch so things might be new, or unfamiliar to Nintendo fans. Is it worth a trip? Find out in my review. Enjoy!

Special Notes: I received a Nintendo Switch review code for Radiation Island.